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12 Week Baby Update

Today was our 12 week NT scan! We got some great guesses on genders, but will not be sharing until we have confirmation. Until then, here are a few nub shots, and y'all can take some guesses yourselves and see what you think!

  Baby A ^
 Baby B ^
Baby C ^

So, all the babies had great heartbeats...

They were all wiggly and look pretty healthy overall. 

However, Baby B had a think NT, which could be an indication of Downs Syndrome. This is not a reliable factor, but the doctor said it measured on the "higher end of high" and suggested genetic counseling to consider an amniocentesis or CVS testing for a more clear picture. Despite the fact I do not have many of the other risk factors, triplets carry a higher risk than singletons. 

This also could point to potential heart problems, so Baby B will get a fetal echo around 18 weeks to make sure everything looks good on that end. 

It's a weird position to be in. On one hand, I know that it could be nothing because NT can easily be nothing. But, on the other hand, it could be something. And the fact is, we already have so much to take on having triplets. God has certainly trusted with a lot. Having a baby with disabilities adds to that. It's not the same as having one baby with disabilities. I would have one baby with disabilities, and two other newborns who need my addition to my two toddlers who still need me very much. So, to at the very least know and be able to somewhat prepare ourselves physically would be a huge benefit to us. 

On a lighter note, our new doctor is very nice. 

He said that if the starts should align and the babies go head down, he personally would have no problem delivering vaginally. Woo-hoo win for me! Now, there is still a huge possibility I would need a c-section. And he made that very clear. But the fact that what I want wasn't shot down and I didn't have a doctor tell me it is impossible is a HUGE step in the right direction! I am so thrilled. He was very laid back, spent a lot of time going over everything with us. 

He didn't give us a cut-off. He said he has had two sets of triplets go to 37 weeks. But if I come in at 35 begging for a c-section because I am so miserable, he isn't going to torture me and make me wait it out. Basically, we will go with how I am feeling and how babies look. 

This is how care is SUPPOSED to be! 

So, I think I feel confident that we can stick with this doctor and know he isn't power hungry! 

I figure I will include some more picture of the babies, because it is fun to see them grow. :)


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