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34 Weeks, Let the Countdown begin!

As each week passes, I just thank God we have made it so far. It's so hard to believe that we are nearing the end of this journey, only to begin a new journey!

Our doctor appointment today was not uneventful.

Baby A (Addisyn) weighed in at 4 pounds 1 ounce. Baby B (Bentley) weighed in at 5 pounds 1 ounce. Baby C (Connor) weighed in at 4 pounds 10 ounces. Almost 14 pounds of baby in there, and let me tell you- my body feels it!
During their ultrasound, Addisyn decided in her usual fashion to be a little bit of a pain. She was hard to measure because she is sitting so low in my pelvis. She also is starting to exhibit signs of IUGR, as her growth is slowing. She is still growing, but on a curve she is starting to flat line out if that makes sense. Her fluids, while last week looked okay, were very very borderline today. They want to see pockets of 2+ and she was 2.03. She also didn't want to practice her breath, thankfully she did when the doctor looked at her again, because they were about ready to send us downtown this afternoon.

With this information, we all as a team decided it is time for these babies to make their appearance. They've cooked longer than expected, and we are in a good place. So with that, we scheduled an induction. That's right, an induction.

I went in thinking I would have to fight for what I wanted. To my surprise, the MFMs had a discussion about me and while they still recommend a c-section (you know, that is what is most common when delivering multiples) they are willing to give me a shot and try for a vaginal delivery!! So, this all actually works out very perfectly, because with an induction we can have a very controlled environment.

Our induction is scheduled for Tuesday, September 2nd.

6 DAYS! Ah! We go in very early, and I am hoping my quick labors with the girls will help me and keep this experience speedy. I am so physically ready to meet these babies. The stars aligned a little because all 3 of my doctors will be at the hospital for some reason on Tuesday. They all decided that one doctor will remain with me at all times because some on labor and delivery will be nervous about this attempt as it is not the norm. When we actually deliver, it will be in an OR with two of my doctors.
I have compromised a lot on what I feel is the best way to birth a baby. But, this isn't a regular delivery, and I know that in order to achieve the final outcome, I have to make sure my providers are comfortable as possible. I feel very confident in myself, I feel confident in them, and I think that the fact we are all meeting in the middle makes us a good team and will eventually effect the outcome of this experience.

Some people may not agree with me- that's fine! No one has to agree with me, it is my body and my providers have faith in me or they wouldn't even be willing to let me attempt this. So, I ask you please keep any negative comments to yourself.

Additionally, Jason and I would like to ask everyone to please respect our privacy on Tuesday. It's going to be an eventful, exciting, and BUSY day! We will update as we can, and we are so excited to share in this with family, friends, and those who have supported and sent prayers our way this entire time. That is why we are sharing the date. We are so excited! But, please give us some privacy to welcome our babies into the world, bond with them, and meet them.
Unfortunately, we will not be accepting visitors at the hospital. Visitors will be limited to our parents and grandparents for the babies. Once we are home and settled, we will let you all know when you can come visit. We do not know what to expect in regards to the health of the babies, and would like to keep germs to a minimum. So again, please respect our wishes and privacy. (Not that I think anyone would show up unannounced, but it is easier to just put it out there for everyone so there is no confusion).

Hopefully my next blog post will be an update on healthy babies and a wonderful delivery. I am so beyond excited (and incredibly nervous and scared) to begin this amazing new journey. I've spent the day a mix of emotions, it's been hard to fight back some tears! I am going to spend the next 6 days enjoying these last few moments of pregnancy, where these babies are all mine and I don't have to share. :)


  1. I'm so excited for you and your family! :))

  2. I can't believe these babies are almost here.already!!! I can't wait to see them! You look amazing!! :)

  3. Best of luck! I think you are so strong and beautiful! We'll all be sending prayers from the IAP on Tuesday!

  4. I cant believe I didnt see this post until today! I am thrilled you got the birth you wanted!


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