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32 Weeks, Getting Close!

We celebrated 32 weeks this week. Yay! Every week is truly a blessing at this point.

Our weekly doctor appointment went alright. On the plus side, I had no protein in my urine which was a big concern for me last week. However, my BP was a little on the high side. This could have been caused by the steroid shots I received on Thursday/Friday though. It wasn't too high, but high enough for a little concern and for it to be taken twice. I was also a little swollen, which can be a sign of pre-e as you know we were keeping an eye on. Since my next appointment wasn't too far away, we are following that this coming week.

Speaking of steroid shots...we were able to get both rounds in. I was so nervous, I am not a big fan of needles. Luckily, you get the shot in your hip/butt area, and I never saw it. I just laid on my side and thought about bunnies or something. The first one wasn't too horrible, it burned a few seconds, and I felt very jittery right after. Sort of like I started chugging Redbulls. Then I got very drowsy that afternoon, still jittery though. Weird, right? I did have some soreness in my butt and it almost felt like I had pulled something on one side and was clenched up. The second shot was easier. I had no soreness, but it did burn a little more. No side effects either.

Baby A (Addisyn) had "normal low fluid". She passed her BPP (as did the boys) but the doctor had to come search for fluid pockets to make sure she was alright. She bought herself another week, but again, this is something we will be monitoring to make sure it doesn't lead into something else. Because of her lower fluid, we checked to make sure I wasn't leaking- thankfully the test came negative. I also received a dreaded cervix check thanks to cramps and such. I'm dilated to 3cm, so that gives us a starting point when/if I do go into labor soon to see if I am progressing.

Doctor told us anything after 33 weeks is bonus, as most triplets come at or before 33 weeks. And especially with my getting the steroid shots, he is pretty comfortable that if the babies come early things will go well. Obviously, no one can make any promises, but the odds are in our favor at this point and time. He said he wouldn't at all be surprised if I went into labor within the next few days, and didn't seem eager to give us a scheduled date. I have really wanted to make it to September, but at this point I don't think will happen. We will see, we're only 14 days away. Maybe these babies and my body will co-operate.

With all this news, I felt the need to prepare in a bad way. So, we spent the rest of the day shampooing carpets, moving furniture, and putting together beds. At this point it is safe to say major things at home have been taken care of. Nice clean carpets, space for their beds, and clothes have been washed and put away.
The boys clothes all put away.
 Socks, receiving blankets, blankets, etc.
Addisyn's clothes and all the sleepers!

Now that everything has been sorted and put away, I could decipher what exactly we needed. To my surprise, these boys have like, no pants. Ha! So, when I feel up to it I will need to get them some pants. I've looked but it has proven a bit difficult to find newborn/0-3 month boys pants for some reason. Maybe they won't need them really and will just be living in sleepers anyways. I still need to get another boppy lounger, but that isn't as urgent.

Then suddenly this weekend my body decided to just give up. I never had the swollen feet and such when I was pregnant with my singletons. So when my feet swelled to balloon size I was shocked to find...that hurt. I never knew swelling hurt, I thought it was just uncomfortable. Whew. And in the time since the swelling began, it has only spread and now not only do my feet hurt, but so my legs. To all you mamas who are swollen, kudos. This isn't fun.

My feet are swollen, but at least my toe nails are pretty thanks to my mama. :) Also, I think this picture doesn't do my feet justice. I think that if I let them, they would float away like little balloon looking feet.

 And here we see my fingers are a bit swollen as well, because my ring doesn't go any farther on my finger :(

And....I am pretty much running out of lap room much to my children's dismay. Sorry girls, you'll have to fight over mommy's lap anyway once their are 5 kiddos in the house!!

I may update more over the next few days. Since I am swelling so bad, I need to take it a little easy and hang out in bed with my feet up. That of course leaves time for thought and contemplation. I can sense the end of this pregnancy journey is nearing, and a new journey other three little babies is beginning.


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