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A little info about our triplets.

A lot of people have sent me the article about the mom who delivered mo/mo twins locally in Akron, and asking questions about why that is so rare and what are our triplets. I felt these questions would best be answered in a blog post, and I will share the info I have TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE. I am not a doctor, and I don't know everything. But this is the information I have learned along the way.

So first of all...MoMo twins means they are monochorionic and monoamniotic. In simpler terms, it means the babies share one placenta and one amniotic sac. It seems to me that many multiples may often share a placenta but will have separate sacs or a membrane separating them. Or they will have separate everything. It's very rare for the babies to share one sac and one placenta. It is also very risky as you add complications in like TTTS (where infections in the placenta can inhibit growth and other complication). The babies have to kind of fight each other for nutrients, and sometimes one baby will thrive while the other, considered the donor baby, suffers from IUGR (Intra-uterine growth restrictions). With that said, even singletons can suffer from IUGR but from what I have seen it is relatively common in multiples.
I saw that MoMo twins happen 1 in every 10,000 pregnanies (triplets happen 1 in every 8,000 pregnancies, so MoMo twins are even more rare than our trio!) and hers were healthy (and uh they came out holding hands, how cool!).

Now about our triplets. Our triplets are considered tri/tri...trichorionic and triamniotic. They each have their own sac and their own placenta. It is essentially like having three singletons at once. We can still have complications like IUGR but our babies have their own nutrition supply and as long as my body can sustain three they don't have to fight each other for nutrients. Complications for us would be most likely room issues, like poor cord flow, babies running out of room, this could cause preterm labor...growth restrictions...etc. The 3 placentas give me problems like increased chance of pre-eclampsia (high blood pressure and protein in urine), my heart has to work harder to sustain the added blood volume in my body (which is why I get out breathe very easily and causes a higher heart rate than usual). BUT in the grand scheme of things we face less complications and my doctors have told us tri/tri is the best possible outcome.

No, we probably won't be on the news. There are lots of local moms who have twins and triplets, and they weren't on the news either. You never realize just how many other families have multiples until you yourself do. The stories in the media are isolated special cases and there are way more mamas who rock multiples out there, including in our area. If we do something cool or an extra baby appears in my uterus at birth then maybe the news will come see (but maybe not, since that's already been done. Ha!) But we're just a regular family that God blessed with three babies, and that makes us no more special than other moms who have had one baby...just means we have more hurdles to face!

Hopefully that answers some questions, and if anyone has other questions not answered I will try my best to answer. Just ask. But I really don't know everything, I just read different things and talk to other moms.

Have a blessed day!


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