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18 Week Update

Today we had our mid pregnancy anatomy scan. As many of you know it was slightly nerve racking for us as Baby A could've shown some signs of having a chromosomal issue or heart defect. Even though I really felt everything would be okay, as a mommy I was still worried sick.

Well, I am happy to report that so far everything looks great. We still have to complete a fetal echo, but our doctor said that everyone had healthy looking hearts and no signs of abnormalities. While that doesn't put us in the clear for sure, it is a positive step in the right direction. Unless we opt for an amnio, we won't know anything until birth....and really, I am at peace with that. Having a baby with special needs wouldn't change anything and so the only benefit to knowing now would be giving us some time to prepare as much as we could.

I will say though, that was probably the worst ultrasound I have ever had. Our tech was really less than pleasant, she told us she needed to concentrate and couldn't really answer questions. Well, I don't usually ask too many questions, but every single other tech we had would point out what she was looking at, tell us how big babies were, etc. When I asked about my cervix she said "I don't know, it said normal so I moved on." Well okie dokie then! I didn't open my mouth the rest of the time. When my husband excused himself to use the restroom, she was working on baby c and felt the need to confirm gender while he was out. Which, upset me a bit because had she told us our baby boy was actually a girl I would've liked him in the room. She didn't tell us anything at all, not even heart rates and went so fast I couldn't see it on the screen.

She also felt the need to dig into my stomach, which at one point had me wincing in pain and jerking away from her but she paid no mind to the fact she was hurting me. When working with Baby A she asked "Did you have an NT scan and was it normal?" Naturally my red flags started raising and I said yes we did, Baby A was abnormal, does everything look okay? She just said she didn't know and was just asking. WHO DOES THAT?! I spent the rest of the ultrasound in a panic near tears because I knew something was wrong. Thankfully the doctor told us right away when he came in that Baby A looked great.

I just left the scan feeling upset, for someone who works with moms she had zero personality and didn't even print off any images, all we got was the CD (Which I love having a CD, we get those every time, but I also like the print outs for our baby book and quick texts to family.) I hope we don't have her next time although every time we go in it's a new tech.

Moving on, everything looks great with me. BP is still on high side of normal but NORMAL thank God above. I really don't feel like I am carrying three babies...well...sometimes I do, but most of the time I feel pretty great. Our doctor cleared some travel for us to enjoy a few days away together before that never happens again (ha ha).

I was scolded for not going to the hospital when I was having cramps.contractions last time. I told him I had chugged some water and went to bed then called the next morning, but he told me I should've gone in because it's better safe than sorry and they expect several false alarms with triplet moms. That's a huge drive though, and thankfully everything was fine. BUT, okay doc, you're the doctor not me.

So for now, we chug along. I'm going to enjoy feeling good because I figure the "I am miserable get these babies out of me" is coming and it is inevitable at a much earlier time. (With the girls, I was done around 32-35 weeks respectively) I feel so tiny for having triplets and I am really hoping this works to my advantage. I wish I could feel more movement from these little boogers, but soon enough I will be praying they sleep so I can. ;)

Here are some pictures from our disc to share the babies growth!


  1. I really enjoy reading your blog and am praying for you and the babies! Laura posts updates and I always check them out! God bless you and your family!
    Mona Morehouse


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