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Breastfeeding for the Modern Mom

After I had the triplets, I spent a lot of time pumping. Pumping in the car, at the mall, any chance I got. It was important that in addition to nursing them, I pumped on schedule to maintain a supply. This meant lugging my too small, ugly pump bag that was very obviously a pump bag. It screamed "Hello! I am a pump bag!" everywhere I went. But it was unavoidable.

When we added Rhett to our family, several things changed. First, I was heavy into my photography career. Taking too much time off wasn't feasible (I was photographing another newborn when Rhett was just a week and a half old!). I was also beginning a journey with Sufficient Grace Ministries providing photos for families whose baby had passed away. While away, the good 'ole pump bag had to come with me. This posed several problems. I couldn't walk into these hospital rooms with an obvious pump bag, so I often left the pump in the car and skipped.

The more I thought about this, I though, what if I was working in an office setting, every day having this worry? While I am not ashamed of breastfeeding in public, there is something weird about pumping in public for me. And the thought of people knowing That was the whole reason I got the Spectra pump with was quieter and less obvious.

Then I stumbled on the Sarah Wells bag. I had to have one. And when it arrived, I was like a little at Christmas! I have been dying to share with everyone how much I love this bag!

First glance, it's stylish. You can't tell it's a pump bag. I have taken this bag everywhere and no one noticed that my pump was in it! This is so amazing for me with my work, because it can be intimate and my bag just blends in with the rest of my things. It's not screaming in anyone's face.

But what really blew me away, that I hadn't even considered, was how functional and spacey the bag was. There are two openings for two pumps if you want. One is a bit larger to fit a pump like the spectra, and the other is a little smaller which fit my medela pump perfectly. There is a zip pocket on the outside, a zip on the inside, plus two open pockets on the inside. Not to mention to extra space above the pump! I can fit all my parts, extra bottles, some snacks.

Maybe to some, your pump bag is trivial. But to others, this is HUGE! As a working, modern mom, this bag is a complete game changer. Put this bag on your registry, or buy for a friend who is expecting. This would be a great baby shower gift, and I am truly sad that I just found this. The girls at Sarah Wells are so kind, and you're supporting small business moms. Win win! I already have two friends who got one because they loved mine.

I sincerely hope that this will help someone out there. Happy Shopping!
Find your bag here:
Find my bag here:


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