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24 Weeks and the big V Day!

Woohoo! Our first goal has been met!!

When doctors remind you every time they see you that you'll have babies early, it's just a matter of set goals for yourself. Having a high risk pregnancy is scary. You constantly feel nervous you'll go into labor before they can save the babies, or one of your little miracles just won't make it. So the first goal most of us have is viability day...24 weeks!

At 24 weeks, doctors consider your babies viable outside of the womb, and they have about a 50% chance of survival. They come with a million other complications so obviously no one wants to have babies this early, but 50% is better than 10% which is the chance of survival at 23 weeks. Why does this week make a difference? Honestly, not sure. But it does, so once you hit that magic number, us mamas can relax a WEE little bit. Who knows, maybe I will work up the courage to finally go out and buy something for these tots.

I usually only update when we have doctors appointments because nothing really happens in between right now. But, here are the answers to general questions I receive on a daily basis.

"How're you feeling?"

Honestly? I wish I could sleep the next 3 months and wake up and have babies. I'm extremely tired most days. Sometimes it is hard to keep my eyes open. I feel no matter what I do, I can't get comfortable for more than 3 minutes. I sit, stand, lay and wiggle in all those positions. It doesn't take long before it becomes difficult to breathe or I feel light headed. For you mamas out there, remember when you had a baby in your lungs and you thought that was bad, then suddenly baby dropped and it felt like there was a bowling ball in your pelvis and you realized things just got worse? Well, I always have a baby in my lungs and I always have a baby head in my pelvis, at the same time. So it's like the worst of both worlds. I feel worse now than I did 9 months pregnant with either of my girls (I went shopping and walked a huge mall the day I went into labor with my second, and I photographed a wedding 8 months pregnant with my first, ha!). I'm moody and I think most days my husband wants to punch me but instead he smiles and asks how am I doing and if he can get me anything. (If you have a friend who is having triplets or more...or even twins I imagine, buy the man a beer. He deserves it putting up with us crazy preggos!!)
I have been very emotional recently, but I will say making it this far has me swollen with pride and amazement in the human body. I'm often still awe struck at how my body manages to create three human beings.

And despite being miserable (especially in this heat I so desperately wanted!) my eye is on the prize and this is temporary! I can do anything I set my mind to. I'm strong, and if I have to suffer to keep my babies in so they don't have to suffer out, then bring it on!

"Are they moving?" 

Yes. They don't stop. I think they have a schedule, and sleep in shifts. That way someone can always be kicking and rolling. I swear sometimes they fight, like 'Hey! You're in my space! Go back to your side of the uterus!'. They are my little monsters, and when I grab daddy's hand so he can feel the craziness going on in there they all hush up and get the hiccups so it makes me look like a liar. Never fails!
I must say though, I LOVE feeling the movement. I love watching my belly conform to them moving around, and the little thumps I can see from outside. It has always been my favorite part of pregnancy. One of those things you can't exactly describe, but it's special because despite the fact they are their own bodies, it's like right now we are one.

Here is our 24 week belly picture:

So, let's talk about our doctors appointment.
Baby A (Addisyn) is 1lb 4oz
Baby B (Bentley) is 1lb 6oz
Baby C (Connor) is 1lb 7oz

All together that is 4lb 1oz of baby! Whew.

I somehow managed to gain 8 pounds in 3 weeks. Eek! I guess considering I made it to 21 weeks without gaining anything at all, 8 pounds since then isn't so horrible. Especially since I am "allowed" 50 pounds. 42 pounds to go in the next 10-12 weeks ;) 
My BP is good, and we did my glucose test today. I didn't know we were doing it, and I am sure I will fail considering I ate a horrible dinner last night, nothing for breakfast and drank a glass of juice at like 6am. Dr said I will probably have GD because all her triplet moms have had it. Maybe I will get lucky and by the grace of God pass the test. 
So far no restrictions. Baby A is still head down and B and C are sitting transverse so in order to attempt a vaginal delivery, we need them to flip one way or another. 

Our baby shower is coming up as well, and I am really excited about it. We are so blessed to have people who care about us and are willing to host the shower so we can have an amazing time. Can't wait to share all about that with everyone! I've been asked several times about registeries and such. We are registered! Babies R Us and Target! We need diapers more than anything though, we will be going through them like mad. If anyone wants to help, let me know. We greatly appreciate it. 
A friend has also set up a go fund me page, which can be found here:

Here is to 10 more weeks! We're doing so well, I hope this continues. 
Huge thank you and shout out to those who have kept us in your prayers. We are so blessed beyond belief. 

Honestly, what means the most to me are those messages just asking how I am doing. The fact we crossed your mind is beyond meaningful, and I can't express enough how much love I feel receiving those messages. This is a very emotional journey, and I sometimes feel I lack support from certain places in my life, but then I am reminded that people I have never met before are thinking and praying for us and our babies. It just blows me away. 

Everyone enjoy the summer heat! I'm staying cool in the A/C ;)


  1. Youve gained 8 in your entire pregnancy and you are only allowed 50 for the whole thing? I gained only 23 for either of mine and they were singletons. My sister gained 85. Just stay healthy and your babies will be <3

  2. I'm so thrilled you're little loves are growing. I think of you and your family often :) yay for viability! Woot woot!!


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