Today was our 12 week NT scan! We got some great guesses on genders, but will not be sharing until we have confirmation. Until then, here are a few nub shots, and y'all can take some guesses yourselves and see what you think! Baby A ^ Baby B ^ Baby C ^ So, all the babies had great heartbeats... They were all wiggly and look pretty healthy overall. However, Baby B had a think NT, which could be an indication of Downs Syndrome. This is not a reliable factor, but the doctor said it measured on the "higher end of high" and suggested genetic counseling to consider an amniocentesis or CVS testing for a more clear picture. Despite the fact I do not have many of the other risk factors, triplets carry a higher risk than singletons. This also could point to potential heart problems, so Baby B will get a fetal echo around 18 weeks to make sure everything looks good on that end. It's a weird position to be in. On one hand, ...
When one surprise turns into three! We're a family of 8 from Ohio, and this is our blog about my pregnancy and experience with triplets.