...but it doesn't make you less important. It's doesn't make you less of a mother. It doesn't mean anything, just that you probably don't understand unless you've been in my shoes. This topic has been weighing on my heart heavily, and it has come to surface that this post needs to be made. I'm not the only one that feels like this, but this is something I don't think anyone else wants to put out there. I am not trying to hurt feelings. I am trying to spare my own. I have had two singleton pregnancies. I always gaped at the moms who had multiples. They were like super women to me! My girls were EASY compared to the horror stories I heard. They breastfed like champs, they slept so amazingly well....but that doesn't mean we didn't have our bumps. Some nights I cried as my husband took our screaming baby from my arms. I hated asking for him help because I knew he had to work in the morning, but he would spend time walking her around because I...
When one surprise turns into three! We're a family of 8 from Ohio, and this is our blog about my pregnancy and experience with triplets.