The first few weeks of having the triplets home, I was often asked 'How are you doing?' I am pretty sure everyone expected me to be on the verge of an emotional breakdown, and start crying in front of them and explain how overwhelmed and tired I was. Was I tired? Yes. Was I overwhelmed? Yes. Was I on the verge of an emotional breakdown? No. I just smiled, told them we were doing great and I was managing just fine. I had this whole triplet mom thing down. Deep down, I wanted to tell them that God picked the wrong person to have triplets. I was tired and irritable. Yet despite my shortcomings, I was so convinced I had it all down. In fact, I thought it would be a good idea to open up some mini sessions for my photography. Realistically, I didn't have time in my day to shower or linger in the restroom, let alone tackle something else aside from my 5 children. But I'm super woman right? Let me tell you about having three newborn babies. At first, when you bring ...
When one surprise turns into three! We're a family of 8 from Ohio, and this is our blog about my pregnancy and experience with triplets.