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Showing posts from June, 2014

24 Weeks and the big V Day!

Woohoo! Our first goal has been met!! When doctors remind you every time they see you that you'll have babies early, it's just a matter of set goals for yourself. Having a high risk pregnancy is scary. You constantly feel nervous you'll go into labor before they can save the babies, or one of your little miracles just won't make it. So the first goal most of us have is viability day...24 weeks! At 24 weeks, doctors consider your babies viable outside of the womb, and they have about a 50% chance of survival. They come with a million other complications so obviously no one wants to have babies this early, but 50% is better than 10% which is the chance of survival at 23 weeks. Why does this week make a difference? Honestly, not sure. But it does, so once you hit that magic number, us mamas can relax a WEE little bit. Who knows, maybe I will work up the courage to finally go out and buy something for these tots. I usually only update when we have doctors a...