So I am probably the biggest slacker in the world, because every week I am determined to get my nice picture but then I never do. And so today I finally did it, but I wasn't about to do my hair and such for y'all but somehow I think the world won't end. Most days I don't do my hair anyways, it is thrown into a messy ponytail so I figure this is a fair representation on my daily appearance, minus the yoga pants and tank top. ;) Back to the babies. Last week we had a gender scan, and as most know, we were told THREE BOYS! Woohoo, we were so excited. After having two girls and pink filled lives, I was more than happy to bring some blue into the mix. I was a little sad that all my baby stuff would go to waste though...who wants three babies and have to start over completely from scratch?! It made our announcement easy though because we only needed one color. For anyone who didn't see it, here you go! So today, at 15 weeks 1 day, we had an appointment with our M...
When one surprise turns into three! We're a family of 8 from Ohio, and this is our blog about my pregnancy and experience with triplets.